Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Signing Ceremony on 1.7 Billion Deal

Yesterday, I was on hand to witness the signing of a 1.7 billion dollar deal between the Boeing company and Copa Airlines of Panama. The signing was in the main hall of the Commerce building and there were a few “big wigs” in attendance which included the President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, the vice president of Panama, Secretary Locke, and a few congressmen. The deal obligated 22 Boeing 737’s to be delivered between 2015 and 2018 to Panama’s Copa Airlines for 1.7 billion. Secretary Locke mentioned how this deal was great for American workers who manufacture Boeing aircrafts in the U.S.  He also mentioned how this falls in line with President Obama’s plan to double American exports by 2015. This export initiative was mentioned by Obama in his State of the Union address and has since formed an Export Council which the President of Boeing chairs. It looks like this is one of the outcomes of the council’s ambitious goal to double the amount of exports in the U.S.

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