Monday, December 13, 2010

New faces and places

In the house where I stayed had another tenant renting a room next to mine. His name was Fabian, and he worked for a health bureau within the Department of Interior. His job was to ensure that buildings were in compliance with the amount of lead in their buildings. Although, we didn't have to much in common when it came to fields of work, we did have a common enjoyment of hot wings and football. We would visit a local bar across the main street of our neighborhood that had plenty of both. It was always interesting to visit on Sundays because I had never seen more loyal and ruckus football fans as Redskins fans. They love their team, and there was some sort infectious energy in that place when the "Skins" were playing. Although I will always be a Cardinals fan for life, I found myself rooting for the gritty and struggling Redskins. It was fun to see the reactions and the cheers that I wouldn't normally see in Arizona.

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