Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DC Experiences

Now that I have less than two weeks at my internship, I will really miss some of the interesting things that one can do for free. I toured the Capitol building, Library of Congress, the Bureau of Printing and Engraving building, Arlington cemetery, the Pentagon, I’ve been to several museums, I've seen shows at the Kennedy Center,  and even went to the DC Zoo, all for free. One of the highlights of going to these places besides the obvious is that they all required walking around, and that’s something I never do in AZ. Since I didn’t bring my car here, I’m forced to take the metro system everywhere I go and see a lot different things that you would otherwise miss in a car. The weather has been great and it’s rumored that the fall season is the best weather in DC, and it has been great so far. Of course, every time the weather comes up, people think about how nasty last winter was.  I hope to avoid the several feet of snow that piled up last December and make it back in time to enjoy the best season AZ has to offer!

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