Thursday, December 2, 2010

DEA Meeting

Today the internship program set us up to visit the Drug Enforcement Administration in Arlington, Virginia. Their headquarters building has a museum highlighting the rise of drugs in the US, beginning with the distribution of opium early on in our history. It was interesting to see how lucrative drugs became early on. I was just amazed how in China in the 1800's had large opium factories, there was a sketch picture that showed multiple floors filled with 5 pound packaged containers of the drug waiting to be shipped. After we were given the tour we also had the opportunity to talk with a DEA agent. The agent told us how he began his career in the military and joined the DEA afterwards. He told us he has been an agent for over 20 years and loves his job. At first he was a field agent in various countries including Colombia where he had the opportunity to take down some of Pablo Escobar's successors after he was killed. He now heads the program for all the 1,000+  informants the DEA has. He finished up telling us of some of the sticky situations he had been in as an undercover DEA agent, which were all interesting stories.  

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