Monday, December 6, 2010

Freeze on Salary Increases

Recently President Obama announced a two-year pay freeze for all civilian federal employees. Secretary Locke recently sent an email out to all Commerce explaining a few details of this salary increase freeze.  In his letter (email) he mentioned that the President has undergone a plan to get “America’s fiscal house in order”. Secretary Locke mentioned that this two-year pay freeze will save $28 billion over the next five years, and more that 60 billion over the next 10. He finished off my saying that there have been times in our history that have called for shared sacrifice and that this is one of those times.
I found the letter to be a little discouraging because I’m sure this will make it that much harder to find a federal job since they’ll be tight with their budgets. Although, I have do not have problem with entering into a private sector job, I would ideally want to start a federal career when I graduate.


  1. Its important to keep in mind that the salary freeze is only for two years and will benefit our country greatly. It's small steps like this that will help us get out of debt. You could always continue your education or start off in the private sector until our economy stabilizes and there are more federal positions available.

  2. I understand the frustration with the freezes. It makes it harder to find jobs but we hope that these changes will "fix" our country. We're seeing the same issues on the city and state level and finding a job is near impossible. Good luck with the job search. Mine isn't looking to great. It looks like I'll have to get a temporary job somewhere else

  3. I read about this in an article on the Wall Street Journal. I do agree with the salary freeze. The salary step scale for the federal government has to be adjusted during hard economic times.
