Monday, December 13, 2010

Last meeting of my internship

One of the last meetings I went to for the Office of Security (OSY) covered all the accomplishments of each division and looked into the future of the office. After a few comments from the director, each assistant director spoke on the accomplishments of their particular division. Some of the highlights covered by the Anti-Terrorism Division was that despite more travel by the Secretary of Commerce and maintaining the same manpower, there were not incidents regarding the Secretary. One interesting thing I found out recently is that the Secretary of Commerce requires a round the clock security team. This was not the case in previous administrations but Obama has recently called for all appointed secretaries to have round the clock security, even when on personal time. Another thing that was covered in the meeting was the issue of the pay freeze. There were some in attendance that asked what the hiring freeze meant and how far this will reach in the coming year. The director answered that they don't know much right now, but they will as soon as Congress passes the appropriations bill for this fiscal year. 

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