Thursday, October 28, 2010

Combined Federal Campaign

I’ve recently been assigned to work on the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). The CFC is an annual charity campaign that allows organizations to raise funds from federal employees. The CFC has more than 4,000 charities that federal employees can donate to. According to the CFC website, these charities have all been vetted by the federal government and are recognized as legitimate organizations. I have been asked to run this campaign for our office under the guidance of another analyst who ran the campaign last year. My task is to give the information about CFC to the Office of Security employees and provide them the opportunity to give. The goal for our office is to raise a little over $11,000 from now until December 15, just a few days before my internship ends. I hope we can reach this goal by the time my internship is over. 

The CFC is praised as a very cost effective fundraising campaign, the average administrative cost for last year’s CFC was approximately 7 percent which means 93 percent goes directly to the charity. Overall, this is a low overhead, which I believe it is due to the fact that federal employees are the ones who run the campaign and do most of the work. It reminds me of the Army, where it’s not required to have landscapers, janitors, or security guards, because you have soldiers. Of course I am not saying helping in this is like cleaning, but the concept that keeps the cost low for the campaign is the same. In fact, the military is also involved and helps raise funds for the CFC. Below is Obama's message on the CFC. Obama - Combined Federal Campaign

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