Friday, October 22, 2010

Eventful First Tour

Of course the great part of being in Washington, D.C. is all the history and incredible things to see. Our second day here, the interns were invited to tour the U.S. Capitol. It was great for me because this was my first visit. I remember it being a perfect fall morning and I took some great pictures on our tour of the building. I actually still have the picture of the Capitol saved as my phone screen saver which is above.  I'm actually a little proud of this one for being a phone picture and my only regret is that I wasn't in front of it when I took it.

Interestingly, the day we had the tour was the same day they had the Glenn Beck rally at the National Mall. After the tour a few of the interns decided to check it out. We showed up at the tail end of it after Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin had spoken, but there were still a ton of people there. There were also a few billboards of Martin Luther King towards the back of the rally since it was the anniversary of his "I have a dream" speech.

The Beck crowd was peaceful and there were a few tents scattered around where people were shouting things about government spending. One tent had a guy singing about politics and in one line he sang "get your hand out of my pocket Uncle Sam". There were some people grouped up handing out flyers in different areas of the crowd, I was handed one about the dangers of socialism and another flyer about Christianity.

It was starting to get hot around 2:00pm when the rally ended and there were a lot of people just sitting under the shade of The Washington Monument. I was just taking it all in and people watching. I sat down and started to talk to one man who was sitting next to me. I asked him what happened at the rally and what was discussed. He said this rally was not about taxes but about brining God back into this country and that's all he really said to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gilbert, good to hear from you!
    I've got to say good job with this picture. It doesn't even look like it was taken on a phone.
    When I was an intern in DC a couple years ago i remember my visit to the Capitol. I bet you got to see a lot more than I did, but I can definitely relate to how cool it is to see all the history in DC. I've been back there several times since then and visiting all the sites has never gotten old to me.
    I'm glad you're experiencing so much great stuff while you're there!
