Friday, November 5, 2010

Random Tasks

I have to say one of the benefits or parts an internship that you have to deal with is random tasks. This week I was asked to mark up changes to the Department of Commerce policy in regards to issuing out retirement credentials to federal law enforcement employees within the department. Recently, congress passed new legislation on the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) of 2004. LEOSA allows qualified law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm across state jurisdictions as long as they have a permit in another state. In order for them to carry a concealed weapon, the qualified law enforcement officer needs to have a credential issued out from their department. The Department of Commerce issues out these credentials to qualified Commerce law enforcement personnel and therefore had to update their policy to comply with the federal changes. Among other changes, the law specified that departments should provide credentials to those with at least 10 years of service upon separation to receive a former law enforcement credential. Our office was notified by legal counsel highlighting the changes on the legislation, but it was left to our office to update the Department Administrative Orders. I was asked to make the changes accordingly and submit it to the director.


  1. I am familiar with random tasks as well. But this one sounds like it was an interesting and important random task, which is great!
    To answer your question about why I'm leaving the MPA -- I'm wanting a degree that is a little more specific to education. I also don't think I want to ultimately end up in a governmental profession, but more so a profession working with students, especially college students on a college campus. I've enjoyed my MPA classes, but for what I want to do I think another degree will be more beneficial.
    I am looking at ASU, but the Higher Education department may not be accepting applications. And if that's the case, then it looks like ASU is out of the running. Some of the other schools I've looked at though have said some of my credits will transfer, which means I haven't wasted a bunch of time :)
    Applications are definitely a lot of work, but hopefully this will be the last of it!

  2. I actually recently dealt with an issue similar to this. While working at a performance venue during a contentious lecture, a police officer from San Diego entered the building with a concealed weapon, and made sure to let us know about it as staff. It was difficult understanding exactly what my role was supposed to be in order to manage something on that scale. Sure I can push wheelchairs, point to the bathroom, but knowing what to do with officers with concealed weapons who attend a lecture where we have received death threats about some of the speakers is a tough job! I'm glad you guys are helping us out at the Department of Commerce!
