Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Survey Assignment

One of my major assignments in this internship has been to analyze data from a survey that was distributed to about 20,000 Department of Commerce employees. Of the 20,000 distributed, a little over 4,000 responded, which is a good turnout. The survey attempts to measure the level of awareness people have of security issues ranging from how to respond to an emergency, how to respond to threats, and how to protect sensitive information. The survey also asked how satisfied employees were with the security measures provided. Once the survey was closed I had to download the data from a program called Inquisite (similar to surveymonkey).

From there, I created charts and tables showing the data and analyze the findings in the form of a report.  I created several reports broken down by bureau, then one report that summarized all the findings. Overall, people were satisfied with security measures and there seemed to be consistency with the highest and lowest rated aspects of security awareness. I then had to create a standard operating procedure to that will instruct future employees on how to create the report which will help with consistency for measuring progress for the following years. This project took a few weeks because the data was double checked by the Analyst and Assistant Director. They both had to read through the many comments as I did and highlight any important security issues that needed to be addressed. Currently the reports are being reviewed by the Director and Deputy Director before it goes out to all the bureaus. I hope to get some feedback soon on what they think of the report.  

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