Thursday, October 7, 2010

Orientation of the Office

Since I've been slacking a little on my blog entries, I will tell you all more about the Office of Security. The first day one of the people in the office gave me a mini orientation and told me about how the office works. The person giving me the orientation was a Management Analyst. What a Management Analyst does is support the duties and responsibilities of the office and the directors.  The office  has three analysts and the director, deputy director, and assistant director. There are also two secretaries in the office. 

The office itself is called the Strategic and Administrative Division. Again, this is basically the headquarters that handles all aspects of policy and management of security within the Department of Commerce (DOC). All other offices fall under this department which includes the counter-espionage division, anti-terrorism division, project management division, emergency preparedness division, and the physical security division that I don't remember the exact title to. All these divisions have a specific job in the security for DOC and together it's all the Office of Security. 

Going back to the my office, I report to the assistant director who handles the budget for the Office of Security, everything from approving salaries, purchasing, contracts, awards, etc. He obviously reports to the two directors who give final approval on the budget. The three other analysts support the office with required training, policy briefs, evaluations, and general human resources type of work that is required for OSY. This work is necessary since the several departments  each have assistant directors that must report up the chain to the directors. 

This is truly bureaucracy at it's finest, not to mention that many of the employees at OSY are either prior military or police officers so you get that mentality. And if this is confusing to anyone, don't worry about it. It took me a while to get this all figured out, and I'm still learning.  

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