Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Testing Commerce Security

This morning I was involved in an exercise which involved trying to penetrate the security at the Department of Commerce building. Here in the Herbert C. Hoover building, all personnel walking through the entrances must have their ID checked before walking in. The security is supposed to match every employee’s face with the ID and then you are allowed in. This morning I met with a few security personnel along with a physical security specialist for the Anti-Terrorism Division and with the Capitan of the guards. My mission was to get through security using a fake ID. We met a few minutes before to plan what was to happen and of course keeping safety a priority during this exercise. There were people on the radio and also the Capitan was nearby to immediately halt any dangerous situation. But it was pretty simple, I would try to enter into the building using a fake ID. The ID card itself was legitimate but the guy in the picture didn’t look like me.  
For the exercise I walked outside and around the corner to another entrance, I followed behind a woman who was walking and I thought that would be good to try and mingle in with other workers. I said “Good Morning” and held my ID up, but the security held it for a second and said “Uh, that’s not you.” I didn’t respond and she immediately confiscated the ID and told me to stand to the side. She then sent out a code on her radio. At that moment, the Capitan walked in from outside (he was monitoring radio traffic) and he told her it was just an exercise.
I’d have to say it was kind of exciting, but I was a little nervous walking in because I didn’t know what to expect.  My main worry was that the guards were armed, so I didn’t want to get shot. Thankfully everything turned out okay.   


  1. This sounds like such a cool experience! I would have been pretty nervous and scared too, but that's a really cool story. Glad you didn't get shot :)

    Thanks for the good luck wishes on my move to education. As for PJ, an intern that the office had last spring offered to come back and help out. She technically didn't take his position, but she is working part time and will be doing a lot of what his position requires. Right now the office isn't sure the city will want to fill the open position due to the budget constraints. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens.

  2. Wow! That sounds like so much fun! I wish part of my internship was being asked to break into federal buildings and get by security. I don't blame you for being scared though. Its good to know our security procedures work pretty well in federal buildings. Maybe the should give some tips to TSA? lol
