Friday, September 17, 2010


Hello everyone! My name is Gilbert Cardenas and the following will describe my internship with the Office of Security (OSY) within the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC). 

First, let me tell you all how I originally came across this internship opportunity. About a year ago during a job fair at ASU I remember walking by a person sitting by themselves at one of the many tables in a career fair.  As I walked by, she stopped me and asked if I was interested in an internship in D.C.  I said "yes" of course, then she began to tell me of a paid internship opportunity in D.C. The internship sounded great but I didn't apply because I was getting ready to graduate with my undergrad and I was looking for a full time job at the time. I didn't think about applying until recently when I started my MPA program. 

The organization is called Hispanic Association of College and Universities (HACU). The way it works is HACU has contacts with various federal organizations and they set up interviews for students interested in federal jobs. And although the name says Hispanic, any person, regardless of race can apply and get an internship - i've met people from various places and a range of ethnicities who are current interns. 

After applying with HACU I was contacted by the departments directly and I had two interviews. One was for the Library of Congress and another for the Department of Commerce. I was chosen for both but decided to go with the DOC because it was more in line with my degree program and with my work experience. I currently intern with the Strategic and Administrative Management Division under the Office of Security (OSY). The mission of OSY is to provide the security for all of the DOC. They deal with all levels of security from counter-espionage, terrorism threats, security clearance, background checks, IT security, and physical security. The department I work for oversees all the departments within OSY, and I report to the assistant director.    

As most people know, the mission of the Department of Commerce is to advance economic growth and jobs and opportunities for the American people. Given this task one of the critical aspects in ensuring we know and neutralize any threats that may hinder the fulfillment of that mission. It's not as simple as checking someones ID. Threats are everywhere, and the motto of the office is "security is everyones responsibility". I believe this to be true and I've come to see and appreciate the high standard that is applied to our federal government's security.

Other than work, I have been having an amazing time here in D.C. I still can't believe that everyday I cross Pennsylvania Avenue and get a clear view of the U.S. Capitol just before I walk into work. It's truly a blessing to be here.

I'm eager to hear about everyone else's internship experiences.